About Dominika Fallach

Dominika Fallach is the junior associatet at Patpol Legal. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Kozminski University, and also has a scholarship of the ERASMUS + program at the University of Vaasa in Finland. She completed a summer law school of intellectual property, organized by the IPR University Center in Helsinki. Dominika started her attorney apprenticeship in 2021. Contact with the author

May the logos of famous fashion brands represented in the form of a pastiche referring to the idea of “social distancing” infringe copyrights?

For over half a year the world has been functioning in a new mode of “lockdown” and “social distancing”. Although we are gradually becoming used to the new reality as time goes by, we should...

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Patent on the service of the State

In less than a week ago the World Health Organisation characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic. It affects people within different and basic aspects of their lives. Nowadays, we ponder how this situation will impact the economy, mainly entrepreneurs. Therefore, the wide discussions about new regulations  concerning employees and employers is being conducted. However, my aim is to introduce our Readers-  entrepreneurs and often patent holders, to the regulations which allows the State to use their patents in case of a threaten of broadly understood public interest.

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